We are always a decision away from an entirely different life.

Think about it, every successful person has made a life-changing decision at some point in their journey. They took a chance and followed their gut, even when it felt scary or uncertain. These decisions may have been risky, but they ultimately led to their success.

Vizhinjam Sea Port Thiruvananthapuram | Gateway of Asia

The Vizhinjam Port is an ambitious step forward on the path to…


There is nothing left for me to introduce about Vijay. I can’t…

Innovation is technology having creative fun

Richinnovations is moving inside Asia’s largest IT park, Trivandrum Technopark. Our headquarters…

Know more about the richest temple in India

Padmanabhaswamy Temple is located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. The temple is built in…

How I started A company?

By watching the title and featured image, you may feel like, I…

jobs, i just love this movie a lot!

There are a lot of things to learn from this flick. The…

Donate Red, spread green, save blue!

Imagine a world where every person, every community, every nation is actively engaged in making the world a better place to live in. A world where colors come together to create a beautiful canvas of love, compassion, and sustainability. This is the world we can build by following three simple actions: Donate Red, Spread Green, and Save Blue.

My Unconditional Favorite Movies

The following four movies are my unconditional all-time favorites. All these movies…

Less your limits to be limitless

As human beings, we have a natural tendency to put limitations on ourselves. We create mental barriers that prevent us from achieving our full potential. These self-imposed boundaries can come in many forms, such as fear, doubt, or even lack of confidence. However, what if we were to tell you that you can break free from these limitations and become limitless?

Want to start a company?

Well that something really good and appreciable step of thought to start…